Miami hack week 2023


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Miami Hack Week is one of the largest hackathons on the East coast and is the first Federated Hackathon in the United States. It’s is a week long hackathon taken place in multiple different locations across downtown Miami and Wynwood. Also Took place in 9 Hacker houses across Miami. It’s an event involving Hacking, Networking, and Workshops with well balanced mix of late night parties.  We went with capture a midweek recap, final recap, Short form panel clips, and even a mini documentary following a project.

This marked one of our largest highlights of story telling within a conference our team has done. Capturing the experience from a hackers and speakers view along with telling the story of the brand.

“For The People Who Build Sh*t”

Miami Has a work hard play hard lifestyle and Miami Hack Week embodies this making Tech Events sexy within the events hosted, the experience and our branding.

Mid Week Recap

This is our Mid week recap with the purpose of amplifying the hackers excitement in recapping the first couple days of the week and creating FOMO for those that hadn’t been able to make it yet. It increases brand awareness and tend to get a lot of engagement by the community due to its relevance and speedy turnarounds.

Miami Hack Week In a Word

This is our video involving many of the hackers expressing their perspective on Miami Hack Week in One Word. This is a fun because this is what gets presented in front of all the hackers at the closing ceremony. Its incredible to see how everyone in the community reacts seeing themselves and other fellow hackers they have worked with or met throughout the week.

Short Form Panel Content

Insightful and educational short form clips of the panels and workshop can be a great opportunity to add value to your community within your social Media Branding.

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